Brian Anthony has worked in film restoration for over two decades. His restoration of the Charlie Chaplin Keystone Comedy CRUEL CRUEL LOVE was chosen by the Library of Congress to become part of the library's permanent collection.

A collector of silent era film memorabilia, Brian became involved in paper restoration while learning to preserve his own collection, and subsequently trained under an expert to refine his craft. He is a skilled restorer with an emphasis on book dust jackets, original comic art, movie memorabilia and rare toy boxes.

Kim Anthony is a painter who studied at the Die Etage School and at the Design Akademie for Visual Communication in Berlin.

She studied the restoration of classical paintings at the Berlin Museum, and apprenticed with Klaus Schade, a painting and paper restorationist with 50 years experience.

Kim and Brian work in
Acton, California.

Anthony Restorations'
Human Resources Supervisor
is Mabel,
a Bearded Dragon.